Parenting for
Children in Crisis

Our parenting resources have been adapted into simple, shareable parenting tip sheets, cartoon videos, TV and radio scripts, public service announcements, and social media messages to offer parents support during humanitarian crises.

In partnership with:

And more than 240 local NGOs worldwide, these resources have reached over 220 million people worldwide in an unprecedented collaborative effort.

We are committed to the continued development and dissemination of easily accessible, evidence based tips to support parents and caregivers, and protect children during crisis, whether it be war, natural disaster or pandemic.

The below evidence-informed parenting tips are open source and available in an editable format using Adobe Acrobat. Organisations may add their logos, but should refrain from changing the core content as it is based on the best available evidence for supporting families. If any changes are made to content, please remove all partner logos. If you require assistance, please contact

Free Resources

More than



families reached in humanitarian crisis situations