Our vision is for every parent, everywhere to have access to free, evidence-based, playful parenting support that improves child development and education outcomes and prevents family violence.

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Founded in 2012 and endorsed by the United Nations, Parenting for Lifelong Health is at the forefront of a global movement to accelerate the scale-up of evidence-based, freely-available, inclusive, and culturally-sensitive parenting solutions within existing systems of delivery. 

By improving positive parenting, learning through play, stress reduction, and equitable partner relationships, our innovative solutions help to reduce violence against children and women, improve parent and child mental and physical health, and support child learning and development outcomes. Ultimately, this breaks the intergenerational cycle of violence. 

Our key partners in this global movement include the Global Initiative to Support Parents, of which Parenting for Lifelong Health is a founding member, and the Global Parenting Initiative, a 5-year research-within-implementation initiative led by the University of Oxford. 

Parenting for Lifelong Health is a global social enterprise with legal charitable and nonprofit status in the United Kingdom.



Evidence of impact based on rigorous evaluation methods

Equitable partnerships promoting leadership and agency in the Global South

Adaptive, inclusive, and locally relevant for different cultures and contexts

Scalable and low-cost to meet population-level demand

Open-source and freely available content to allow for adoption by implementing agencies

Playful and empathetic for children and their parents/caregivers.



Driven by our core principles, Parenting for Lifelong Health actively seeks collaboration with multilateral, bilateral, NGO, civil society, academic, for-profit, and philanthropic partners around the world. 

To discuss potential partnerships, please contact info@parentingforlifelonghealth.org